Thursday, April 21, 2011

Swimming and Biking and Running...OH MY!

After hanging out with her friend for a couple hours my nine year old daughter Paige said she wanted to do a triathlon because her friend was training for one this summer. Obviously I can't say, "If your friend were to rapell down the side of the 27 story building would you do it too?"

Prior to November 2010 I would have said, "That's a lot of work Paige are you sure you really want to do it?" and I would have ignored her request. (Don't judge! You know you ignore your kid's cazy requests too.) But this is 2011 BABY, and I am on an Excellent Adventure so why not have Paige come along too! The best part is that was her idea, so we have someone to curse when we are dying during the race.

I immediately jumped on the laptop and searched kid's triathon. I found the Woodridge 12th Annual Rotary Triathlon that had both a kids and a mini. I checked out the distances and felt it was very doable for both of us, signed us up and sent the info to Denise, who promptly signed herself and her son up. Then my 7 year old son Ty wanted in on the action too!

But I've started to think...


I can swim, dive and do somersaults, but I have no idea what the different strokes are called nor do I know exactly how far 250 meters is. I dont know how to breathe right while I am swimming because I gulp the air and get water in my mouth.


I have not really biked a long distance since my oldest daughter Amanda was like 9, and I really hate "bike butt" the soreness in certain...well you know...areas. Six miles on a bike after a 250M swim I really have no idea what that means or if I am capable of it.


To my surprise the 2 mile run seemed like it would be the easiest part of the whole triathlon which is awesome. It means that my mind is over the mental hurdles of getting past 1 and 2 mile runs that a year and a half ago seemed impossible. Problem is that I changed my training for the Hustle from jogging to stair climbing and then took a long break after the Hustle so that I need to build my endurance back up again. With the Warrior Dash coming up in June I should be able to run two miles for the triathlon in August.

But right now putting them all together:

Swimming and Biking and Running makes me think...OH MY!

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