Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to Train for Insanity

First, you need to find yourself a “friend” who is worse at saying no than you are.  (You may at times curse this said friend, or threaten to push her down a few flights of stairs.. but really you love this person and are a better person for having them in this bout of insanity with you….  As long as you both survive said insane adventures)
Then, you need to go out and find some crazy adventures waiting for you.  It’s funny because once you do one, I think they just FIND YOU.
Next, you need a plan (the ability to stick to such a plan also comes in use!)
For the Hustle up the Hancock, I did a bit home-bred cross-training, which consisted of: Bikram Yoga, Running, and the Stairmaster (which is a big liar… see below post).  Next year for the Hustle, I’m ditching the Stairmaster and just RUNNING – fast – sprints and distances.. It’s all about the ability to breathe…
My current training plan consists of a few early morning interactions with my snooze bar and way too much Starbucks throughout the day.  I need to get my butt in gear.
The immediate task at hand is really the Warrior Dash.

Said EXTREME obstacles include:
·         Mossy Maze (navigate your way thru the mossy trees)
·         Lumber Jacked (Cross over and under the staggering logs)
·         Cargo Climb (maneuver over the cargo nets)
·         Rio Run (Dash down the river)
·         Hay Fever (Hustle up and over giant straw bales)
·         Blackout (Dive into Darkness and escape the trenches)
·         Knee High Hell (Speed Step thru HUNDREDS of tires)  note:  I am a huge klutz… nothing good is going to come of this one!! I have the amazing talent of spraining my ankle by doing nothing more than walking!
·         Walk the Plank (Travers the gully on wooden planks)
·         Warrior Roast (Leap over Fires)                                                                
·         Muddy Mayhem (Scramble in the mud – under barbed wire as you near the finish).
Remind me again why we signed up for this?  Oh, yes… the coveted Viking helmet… and beer.  (it takes a lot to motivate us!)
So, how exactly does one train for this madness?  I have yet to figure that out.  My snooze bar routine is not going to cut it.  Tomorrow, I’m back on the Bikram/Running schedule.  I’ll let you know how that goes.  I have a few 5K’s between now and then (Y Me Race on Mothers Day and Chase Corporate Challenge May 26th)… those are just to keep me on track…. 
And, this is why I love GOOGLE.  Because, you can learn anything you don’t already know.  Pull up Google… type in Warrior Dash Training Plan….. and you have search results…. from insane people who have done this before, lived to tell about it, and some that are even crazy enough to do it again…. 
Examples of what The Warrior Dash Survivors on the interweb say:
·         Train for running 4 miles.
·         Practice running on un-even surfaces
·         Train on HILLS
·         3 months is PLENTY of time to train
·         Train for a 10K
·         Train with ankle weights while you run (the mud and water will weigh you down!)
Again, we are doing this why?

Ah yes, VIKING HELMETS and Beer.  (Cuz we will look HOT in the helmets, you know we will!)
So, I’m thinking my running and Bikram plan may work.  Bikram really helps my endurance, and builds strength.  I guess I’ll know on June 19th if it works or not.  LOL.
Oh, and there are costumes involved in this one!  I don’t want to give ours away yet, but all materials have been acquired… I just need to get working on them.  Worst case scenario, we’ll have some great pre-and post-event photos for our scrapbooks (and blog!), Great Memories (assuming neither of us suffers any major head trauma,   a Viking helmet!  And Beer!  (yes, I know you could just go BUY a Viking helmet and beer… don’t remind me! ).  Ours will be EARNED!  You know you’re jealous.  There’s still openings for this one…..We are in the 3 p.m. wave on 6/19….  Join us if you dare!!

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